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The Niokolo Koba National Park is a UNESCO World heritage site and is the most place Westerly place and the closest to Europe, where you can observe the great African fauna. It is a dry tropical forest with some areas of Guinea Savannah, crossed by the Gambia River and its tributaries. It is not easy to observe the animals because of the thickness of the forest and the difficulty of travelling by dirt track, but a traveller who spends all day in the Park will probably encounter several species of monkey, antelopes, warthogs, hippos, crocodiles and a good number of tropical birds. With luck, you can see lions, buffalos and leopards.

In any case, exploring the Niokolo is an experience with all the ingredients of an authentic African adventure.

Asociación Española de Ecoturismo Activo Campamentos Solidarios . Santa Engracia 30 6°B. 28010 Madrid . asociacion@campamentos-solidarios.org