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To the north of Guatemala, the mountains of the Central system are interrupted by a gigantic plateau of rainforest. The climate here is more severe as the heat and humidity increase. Here you find the major Mayan cities of the classic period, such as Tikal in Guatemala, Palenque in Mexico or Copán in Honduras, without forgetting other less important but just as appealing cities such as Yaxcha, Ceibal, Aguateca, Quirigua, Bonampack or Yaxchilan. To explore the ruins of these legendary cities, between ceibas and howler monkeys, is something that all travelers should experience.

In the region of the plain which drains to the ocean are Lake Izabal and the Dulce River. Here, the river is widened, forming lagoons in the midst of the best preserved tropical forests of Central America. The city of Livingston is at the end of the river; friendly and relaxed, it is a city of purely Caribbean atmosphere.

Asociación Española de Ecoturismo Activo Campamentos Solidarios . Santa Engracia 30 6°B. 28010 Madrid . asociacion@campamentos-solidarios.org